Understand How to Prevent Seborrheic Dermatitis Hair Loss much more

Hair loss is one of the problems that affect both the body and the mind. Hair loss indicates that all is not well with the body. Hair loss normally occurs due to some nutritional deficiency, due to a scalp problem or as a side effect of some disease.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a kind of skin problem in which the scalp and areas like nose, eyebrows and back develop dry, itchy, red patches. The causes for this problem include excessive sebum production, hormonal imbalance, fungal infection, obesity, stress etc. It is important to treat this problem in time so that it does not cause side effects like hair loss.

The main reason for Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss is the excessive secretion of sebum. Sebum creates a favorable environment for the fungus Pityrosporum ovale. The fungus along with bacteria causes skin inflammation and irritation. Due to this, the hair follicles get damaged and the hair starts falling.

There are many treatments that can help prevent Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss. One of this is to keep your scalp clean with mild anti-dandruff shampoo. Cleaning the scalp keeps it free from oil and dirt. This in turn prevents fungus and bacteria from thriving which is the main cause of inflammation. Some people may not experience relief with mild antidandruff shampoos and may need to use shampoos that contain coal tar, sulfur, salicylic acid, or zinc. Besides using medicated anti fungal shampoos, the application of topical cortisone solutions or creams also help in reducing itchiness and inflammation.

There are many shampoos and creams available for treating Seborrheic dermatitis. However, you should consult your doctor who can prescribe you a shampoo and ointment depending upon your problem and its severity. For areas other than scalp affected with Seborrheic dermatitis, you should apply cortisone cream. Some doctors also prescribe antibiotics and Vitamin B complex supplements to patients.

There are many natural methods to arrest this problem. One of it is the regular intake of flaxseed with water. The application of aloe vera on the scalp is also known to reduce the inflammation and help control this problem. The consumption of garlic reduces the fungal infection as it has antiseptic properties and hence helps to treat Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss. Eating fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants like apples, oranges, and spinach also reduces the skin inflammation. Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss is temporary. Once the skin inflammation reduces, hair starts growing again. However, even after the symptoms subside, you should take adequate precautions to prevent the recurrence of this problem. You should avoid direct sunlight and use dehumidifiers, as that will reduce the problem of skin inflammation and hence prevent hair loss.

Besides the above, it is necessary to lead a stress-free and healthy life. Your diet should include all the essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients. This will help prevent hair loss and also help the new hair grow.

Hair Loss

Chris Hoyt is an affiliate marketer, blogger & suffers with seborrheic dermatitis. He enjoys writing articles & short stories about his interests. After being diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis back in 2004, he has since been searching for a widespread treatment for SD. For more information about Chris, the seborrheic dermatitis forum or his blog, please visit [http://seborrheicdermatitistreatment.com].

How to Prevent Seborrheic Dermatitis Hair Loss

Hair Loss