Read Hair Loss Treatment Review For Men & Women extra

Hair Loss Treatment

Bearing in mind all causes of hair loss as discussed in my other articles, there are only two types of treatments are going to work, those which address the hormonal sensitivity, or treatments that stimulate growth despite it. And as it happens there are only two drug treatments approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for male baldness: Minoxidil and Finasteride. And we will begin by looking at Minoxidil today.

Minoxidil (more commonly known by its trade names Rogaine and Regaine) is a vasodilator medication which was first used exclusively as an oral drug to treat high blood pressure. However those using it will noticed an interesting side effect, namely increased growth and darkening of fine body hairs.

Seeing the potential of this Upjohn Corporation produced a topical solution that contained 2% minoxidil to be used to treat baldness and hair loss, under the brand name Rogaine in the United States and Canada, and Regaine in Europe and the Asia-Pacific. Treatments are available in 5% concentration solution for men and 2% concentration solutions for women.

How Minoxidil works is still not fully understood but studies have shown it is effective in preventing hair loss and may help attain some regrowth. One particular study in healthy males aged 18-50 years with male pattern baldness found that compared to a baseline of 103 to 106 hairs/cm2, those who applied of a 5% solution of minoxidil for 32 weeks increased their hair counts by an average of 39 hairs/cm2, in contrast to 5 hairs/cm2 in subjects who received a placebo.

It should be noted that Minoxidil has shown to be more effective in younger men (18 to 41 years of age) and has shown to work only in the central vertex are, so will not help those with a receding hairline.
As with most medicines some side affects should normally be expected however Minoxidil fares pretty well in this department.

The most common side effect of topical (i.e. external use) is in fact an itchy scalp, dandruff and hair loss. Yes you did read that correctly, hair loss is a common side effect of minoxidil treatment, however manufacturers and users say this is part of the shedding and regrowing effect. However there is no guarantee that the new hair loss will be replaced with hair growth. Regardless Minoxidil remains one of the most widely used treatment of balding in the world today. It is my personal recommendation for slowing down the balding process before you consider hair transplant.

Michael is Practice Manager at the Australian Institute of Hair Restoration, AIHR and Advance Cosmetic Beauty Clinic. Call 1300733092 for a free consultation. Hair transplant & other cosmetic surgery can be arranged in Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Melbourne - Australia. With over 8 years experience in all areas of hair transplant surgery, Michael is also a speaker at the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery Conference.

Hair Loss Treatment Review For Men & Women

Examine Hair Loss - Are You Actually Going Bald? extra

If you start to see hair in the plug hole frequently after washing your hair then you will probably start searching for ways on how to prevent hair loss, however before you panic about going bald lets look at some facts first.

You may or may not know this, but at any one time up to ninety percent of the hair on your scalp can be in whats called the growing phase. Now the reason this important to know is that the other ten percent are in the resting phase and it is during the resting phase that hair tends to fall out and this can be in excess of a hundred hairs at a time. So if you see a lot of hair in the plug hole or on your comb, then do not panic too much.

If you are losing more than a 150 hairs a day then you may be starting to go bald, however before accepting that as a fact, just stop a moment and think about what is going on in your life, and check that if you are a woman that you are not going through any hormonal change such as being pregnant - or for either sex are you going through an experience that is causing high levels of stress, If the answer to these questions is yes then your hair loss may be temporary.

However if you think you may be going bald then the following tips maybe of help to you:-

Prevention is better than cure - to see if you are going bald do the tug test. This is done by grabbing 20 or so strands of hair between thumb and forefinger and pulling slowly but firmly. If 6 or so come away then you need to take some kind of action.

Check your diet. Hair loss can be associated with a poor diet (and also stress). Make sure you are getting plenty of vitamins and minerals in your diet and try and get your 5 a day in fruit and veg. If you cannot manage the 5 a day then take a good quality supplement.

Include foods rich in iron and omega 3 in your diet, as this is believed to slow down the effect of hair loss. Also Iron is good for combating hair loss too as it increases hemoglobin, which in turn will help carry more oxygen to the scalp.

This is mainly for women but may apply to some men - try to avoid hairstyles that pull too tightly on the hair, as this can put unnecessary strain on the follicle and leave it permanently damaged

Avoid shampoos containing Sodium Laureth Sulfate. This is a popular product in shampoos as it works as a cleanser and degreaser - however it can thin your hair.

Combat DHT which is one of the main culprits behind hair loss by drinking good quality green tea. 3-4 cups a day should do the trick, but if you do not like green tea as a drink, then this too is now available as a supplement.

Hair loss can be upsetting, as it does effect confidence and self esteem but we have found ways at how to prevent hair loss [] that are all natural and really help. So for tips and remedies [] for thicker hair make sure you visit our site today

Hair Loss - Are You Actually Going Bald?

Hair Loss

Understand How to Prevent Seborrheic Dermatitis Hair Loss much more

Hair loss is one of the problems that affect both the body and the mind. Hair loss indicates that all is not well with the body. Hair loss normally occurs due to some nutritional deficiency, due to a scalp problem or as a side effect of some disease.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a kind of skin problem in which the scalp and areas like nose, eyebrows and back develop dry, itchy, red patches. The causes for this problem include excessive sebum production, hormonal imbalance, fungal infection, obesity, stress etc. It is important to treat this problem in time so that it does not cause side effects like hair loss.

The main reason for Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss is the excessive secretion of sebum. Sebum creates a favorable environment for the fungus Pityrosporum ovale. The fungus along with bacteria causes skin inflammation and irritation. Due to this, the hair follicles get damaged and the hair starts falling.

There are many treatments that can help prevent Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss. One of this is to keep your scalp clean with mild anti-dandruff shampoo. Cleaning the scalp keeps it free from oil and dirt. This in turn prevents fungus and bacteria from thriving which is the main cause of inflammation. Some people may not experience relief with mild antidandruff shampoos and may need to use shampoos that contain coal tar, sulfur, salicylic acid, or zinc. Besides using medicated anti fungal shampoos, the application of topical cortisone solutions or creams also help in reducing itchiness and inflammation.

There are many shampoos and creams available for treating Seborrheic dermatitis. However, you should consult your doctor who can prescribe you a shampoo and ointment depending upon your problem and its severity. For areas other than scalp affected with Seborrheic dermatitis, you should apply cortisone cream. Some doctors also prescribe antibiotics and Vitamin B complex supplements to patients.

There are many natural methods to arrest this problem. One of it is the regular intake of flaxseed with water. The application of aloe vera on the scalp is also known to reduce the inflammation and help control this problem. The consumption of garlic reduces the fungal infection as it has antiseptic properties and hence helps to treat Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss. Eating fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants like apples, oranges, and spinach also reduces the skin inflammation. Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss is temporary. Once the skin inflammation reduces, hair starts growing again. However, even after the symptoms subside, you should take adequate precautions to prevent the recurrence of this problem. You should avoid direct sunlight and use dehumidifiers, as that will reduce the problem of skin inflammation and hence prevent hair loss.

Besides the above, it is necessary to lead a stress-free and healthy life. Your diet should include all the essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients. This will help prevent hair loss and also help the new hair grow.

Hair Loss

Chris Hoyt is an affiliate marketer, blogger & suffers with seborrheic dermatitis. He enjoys writing articles & short stories about his interests. After being diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis back in 2004, he has since been searching for a widespread treatment for SD. For more information about Chris, the seborrheic dermatitis forum or his blog, please visit [].

How to Prevent Seborrheic Dermatitis Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Examine Regrow Hair With Provillus - Will it Actually Work? additional

Regrow Hair With Provillus - Will it Actually Work?

Hair Loss Treatment Reviews

In this article I'm going to talk about how to regrow hair with Provillus. If you are thinking about regrowing your hair, one of the products that you'll often hear about is Provillus. Its one of the most talked about products on the internet. However, like many herbal products, its effectiveness is questionable. I was curious if this was another herbal scam or if it was a legitimate product that actually worked. I researched further into this product to see if I could actually regrow hair with Provillus.

How It Works

Provillus takes a bit of a different approach to treating your hair. Instead of looking at one certain solution to fight hair loss, it gives your body multiple approaches to treating your hair.

For example, a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals is one way in which people lose their hair. Provillus provides your body with essential vitamins such as Biotin and vitamin B6 to maintain healthy hair functions and growth. As for minerals, Zinc is one of the most important minerals men need and it provides that in the men's formula. As for women, magnesium is essential and that is included in the women's formula.

Provillus uses certain herbs to help stop DHT in your scalp from attaching to your hair follicles. Since DHT is the main culprit of your hair follicles shrinking and stopping its growth, herbal DHT blockers such as Saw Palmetto are essential.

It also contains a topical gel that contains Minoxidil, which is the only FDA approved hair stimulant that's been clinically proven to stimulant new hair.

The Bottom Line

I tried to find what other users were saying so I checked the most unbiased sources I could find such as blogs and forum posts. From the customer feedback I've read about this product, most people were giving really positive reviews about their results they saw. Most customers saw results around the 5th or 6th month of taking it as their hair had stopped falling out and new hair grew back in. I guess the combination of all the different approaches gave a pretty powerful effect. So based off the fact that Provillus uses multiple hair loss treatments as well as the positive customer feedback, I would recommend since you can realistically regrow hair with Provillus.

Provillus doesn't even come close to Procerin in treating hair loss! This is what many hair loss customers believe. Is it true? Click here [] to find out how well you can regrow hair with Provillus compared to other top products.

Examine Provillus Review - Must Read Before You Buy Provillus! extra

There has been a lot of inflow into the marketing efforts of Provillus recently, and that is why I think the popularity of the product has grown by leaps and bounds. Unlike other products that have failed to live up to the hype, Provillus has been able to effectively create its own niche in the market. (If you would like more user reviews and expert analysis on Provillus,you can click the link below.)

Also with the new addition of an FDA approved hair loss drug to the product's ingredients list, the company has now been allowed to legally validate its claims as well. I hope this review will help you decide how well Provillus will work for you since not every person is the same and that is why their problems also vary.

First talking about the product, I was curious about how could an average person get to buy this wonderful new Provillus miracle drug that claims to be one of the best hair loss treatments available? I was so amazed to see how easy it was to procure a bottle of the same without any fuss or hassles at their online website. The best thing was that I also did not need a prescription to place such an order.

All I needed to do was to place my order and the thing got delivered to me in real good time. The best thing about this delivery was however it's packing apart from swiftness. The product was packaged without giving out any hint about what was inside it. This saved me from an embarrassing moment when the postman came with my package. Just imagine my horror if the product's name or 'hair loss treatment' would be printed in bold letter upon it!

Will Provillus work for you?

Yes, I must say it will work. As for me I was quite happy with the product. It surely lived up to its promises. The results were there to be seen and I was hopeful. But it is definitely not a miracle drug which will mend all hair loss problems in a jiffy. You will be disappointed if that is what you expected!

The treatment will surely work if you give it some time. It took six months to show any tangible results in my case. It is very difficult to see any immediate results within the first month.

But fear not. Perseverance produces results. If you are regular and follow the treatment with discipline, Provillus will definitely yield the desired result, making your mane luxuriant and healthy and worthy of your pride.

Hair Loss Treatment Reviews
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Provillus Review - Must Read Before You Buy Provillus!

Understand Natural Hair Loss Treatment - Herbs much more

Natural Hair Loss Treatment - Herbs

Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss treatments are usually divided into two groups: natural hair loss treatments and all the other hair loss remedies. Unfortunately, many people that experience hair loss are not aware of the natural hair loss remedies. They usually get frustrated after having side effects of the hair loss remedies or spend too much money on ineffective hair loss remedies.

Herbal hair loss treatments have been proven effective for decades and in some cases even centuries. They cause no side effects, cost less than any other hair loss treatment and bring good results in preventing hair loss, stopping hair loss and regrowing hair.

Here are some of the most common herbs for hair loss:

1. Rosmary (Rosmarinus in Latin) - known for stimulating hair growth and for enhancing dark hair.

2. Dong Quai - A Traditional Chinese herb that contains phytoestrogens that reduces the formation of DHT. Hence, Dong Quai is beleieved to stop hair loss and even regrow hair.

3. Saw Palmetto - A small creeping palm - Also known as Serenoa repens. It contains free fatty acids and phytosterols, which block the formation of DHT and by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that contributes to androgenetic alopecia. and has shown to be more effective than Finasteride in some cases.

4. Aloe Vera - Taken from the inner leaves of plants, it is a substance in a gel formation that is known for its ability to calm irritated skin. It protects the scalp and hair and also known as a good remedy against Alopecia.

5. Capsicum - A type of hot peppers which stimulates hair growth by at least half and increases blood flow to the scalp. This herb is good for regrowing hair.

6. Lemongrass - A pale green stalk about 18 inches long. This herb stables oil product in the scalp. It also increases fullness and body to the hair.

If you suffer from hair loss or thinning hair or just want to keep your hair healthy and strong, it is recommended to use herbal hair loss treatments.

911 Corp. has made a research to find the best natural hair loss treatments. Find out the results only on Natural hair loss treatment source []. All about natural hair loss treatments on []

Examine Hair Loss - Some Causes And Treatments For Women far more

Hair Loss - Some Causes And Treatments For Women

Hair Loss

Did you know that over 40 million women suffer from some sort of hair loss problems? Most these problems can be easily corrected. The first thing that needs to be done by a woman suffering from hair loss problems, is to identify what is causing the problem. The best person who can do this for you is your doctor. Your doctor should be able to identify the cause and prescribe the proper treatment.

Some possible causes and cures of hair loss in women are:

Female Pattern Baldness (FPB): This is caused by the same hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), that causes Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Though caused by the same hormone, the results are different. Instead of getting a bald patch, women will have a general thinning of the hair all over the scalp. To treat this, women should use the Federal Drug Administration approved medicine Minoxidil.
Stress: Stress such as that caused by divorce, childbirth, illness, surgery, death of a loved one, etc, may cause hair loss. But it will not be evident till several months after the stress occurs or starts. This is because the energy needed to grow the strand is diverted to locations where the body believes it is needed. This causes the hair to go into the resting phase and falling out several months later. Once the stress is removed the hair will re-grow.
Thyroid Problems: An under-active or over-active thyroid can cause this problem. If you believe that this may be the cause, visit a dermatologist who specializes in hair. They will subscribe the proper medications for you.
Birth Control Pills: If you are using birth control pills that are high in estrogen, this will promote more and rapid hair growth. After several months, you may see an increase in hair loss, but it will eventually return to the normal mount of hair you had when you started. So in this case nothing needs to be done.
Hormone Imbalance: If your hormones, especially if you are low in estrogen, this could lead to a loss of hair. Allowing your hormones to return to their normal levels will stop the loss and allow you to re-grow your hair.

Hair loss in women can be a very devastating event, both emotionally and socially. So if you are a women, and are experiencing hair loss, it is important that you visit a doctor to get it properly diagnosed. With proper diagnoses, you will in most cases, be able to re-grow the hair you have lost.

Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair. He wants to help other people learn what he has learned, on stopping hair loss and re-growing hair.

Visit his web site to learn the way he was able to conquer his hair loss.

Go through Rogaine Foam: Is It Better Than the Original? more

What is Rogaine? Minoxidil is the active ingredient in Rogaine. Minoxidil is a powerful fast acting topical component which decreases resistance to blood flows and lowers blood pressure.

However, this pill product was initially created to serve as a blood pressure reducer. Shortly there after, The chemist analysis uncovered that these pills had a side effect. Lucky for them, that side effect caused an increase in body hair. After that everything was history. Rogaine has helped millions of men and women.

There have been hundreds of studies since then that have concluded that Rogaine possesses the ability to slow down hair loss and promote the regrowth of hair.
As of today the FDA has only awarded approval for the treatment of hair loss to 2 medications Rogaine and Propecia.

A newer form of Rogaine: Foam

Recently Rogaine has launched a new form of their amazing product called Men's Rogaine Foam. This is the first and only FDA approved foam regrowth hair product.

The first advantages of Rogaine foam is that it does not have the irritating greasy properties. Also, the foam does not have propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is an agent that is known to cause allergic contact dermatitis.

In a study done it was shown that Rogaine Foam only had a 1.1% rate of chronic itching.
The generic solution versus Rogaine foam, the foam is easier to apply. Many professionals feel like the foam could be more effective because of the application mechanism..

In relation to the original formula the foam has a better compliance than the original solution. Hundreds of men that have used Rogaine Foam and Rogaine solution recently completed a survey found that the Rogaine Foam was overwhelmingly preferred vs Rogaine Solution.

Advantages of using this version of Rogaine include: Ease of application, no dripping, fast absorption and drying, also the ease of fitting the product in a daily routine.

This product may have less side effects than that of solution.

A useful trick when using the foam
Before applying Rogaine foam make sure that your hands are cold. If not the foam will melt, and this will cause it to be very similar to the solution. Simply, rinse your hands with cold water first.

The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, a group of researches announce the results of a clinical trial. The trial consisted of 315 who were suffering from hair loss. The 315 men where given either Rogaine foam or placebo foam.

After 4 months, the hair counts in the targeted area were astonishingly higher in the 164 men using the Rogaine than the 151 men who where applying the placebo foam.

There was a 13.4% increase in initial hair counts compared with an average increase of only 3.4% with the placebo. Moreover, the men that used the foam noticed a 71% increase in their hair growth versus only 42.2% men on placebo.

So the proof is in the pudding! Or in the hair.

Hair Loss Treatment Reviews

Thanks for checking out this rogaine review Find out more information about the rogaine foam product

Rogaine Foam: Is It Better Than the Original?

Hair Loss Treatment Reviews